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今年3月份,曾经有一条散货船“DL Marigold”在其船壳及水下部分发现有大量藤壶结垢和管虫,被新西兰的第一产业部(MPI-Ministry of PrimaryIndustries)强制要求离港,在清理干净前不得再次进入新西兰水域。据了解,这是新西兰第一产业部首次以生物污染为由下令国际船舶离境。政府官员声称,这艘散货船在新西兰停留时间越长,外来海洋物种从船体脱离或产卵的可能性越大,因此他们将这种情况视为“严重污染”,不得不尽快下令船舶离港。
New rules will require all international vessels to arrive in New Zealand with a clean hull from May 2018. During the interim period, MPI can take action in cases of severe biofouling.

一、Bulfracht (Cyprus) Ltd. v Boneset Shipping Company Ltd.[2002]- The“Pamphilos”案
Capable of steaming, fully laden,throughout the period of this Charter Party under good weather conditions about 13.0 knots on a consumption of about 36 mt IFO (180) cst plus 2.5 mts MDO see cl 54.
Clause 1: That the Owners whilst on hire shall throughout the period of this Charter Party……keep the vessel in a thoroughly efficient state in hull,cargo spaces, machinery and equipment….. for and during the service.
Clause 4: that the Charterers shall pay for the use and hire of the Vessel at the rate of US$8,000…. daily, including overtime, or prorata less commission …. Plus US$140,000 gross Ballast Bonus ….. hire to continue until the time of the day of her re-delivery in like good order and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, to the Owners …. On dropping last sea pilots Piraeus port after bunkering …
It was to be inferred from that fact and from the vessel's performance on the ballast approach voyage from Piombino to Sepetiba via Algeceris that the vessel had been kept in athoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment and was capable of complying with the speed and consumption warranty at the date of delivery.
The vessel's performance "improved dramatically" after underwater cleaning afloat at Piraeus following re-delivery under the time charter.
The expert evidence called on behalf of the owners was that the parameters recorded in the engine room logsclearly pointed to increased hull resistance which could only be attributed to fouling of the hull.
The vessel had spent a total of 24 days in warm tropical waters at Sepetiba Bay which were known to be notoriously conducive to marine fouling.
The charterers were not in breach of their obligation to redeliver the vessel in like good order and condition because the fouling of the hull was, in the absence of an extraordinary event,such as serious fouling resulting from compliance with charterers' orders immediately or shortly after dry-docking, an 'occupational hazard' which therefore fell under the redelivery proviso 'ordinary wear and tear excepted' .
(1) The tribunal shall –
(a) act fairly and impartially as between the parties,giving each party a reasonable opportunity of putting his case and dealing with that of his opponent, and
(b) adopt procedures suitable to the circumstances of the particular case, avoiding unnecessary delay or expense, so as to provide a fair means for the resolution of the matters falling to be determined.
(2) The tribunal shall comply with that general duty in conducting the arbitral proceedings, in its decisions on matters of procedure and evidence and in the exercise of all other powers conferred on it.
The submission that these observations involve serious irregularity within the meaning of section 68 is, in my judgment, completely untenable.
There was therefore no irregularity serious or otherwise.
I further reject the submission that, even if none of these matters represented a serious irregularity, when taken in isolation, they do in aggregate amount to a serious irregularity. This argument is misconceived. Once it is concluded that none of the matters alone amount to an irregularity, it is logically untenable to derive an irregularity from those same matters in aggregate. Had I concluded that all of these matters taken separately represented an irregularity, albeit not a serious one, it is improbable that I should have concluded that there was an overall serious irregularity. However, it is not necessary to express a concluded view on this hypothesis.
Accordingly, the application under section 68 of the1996 Act is dismissed.
Accordingly, in my judgment, the decision of the arbitrators was not obviously wrong on any question of law and this application for leave to appeal therefore fails.

二、Action Navigation Incv Bottiglieri Navigation Spa [2005]- The “Kitsa”案
该轮于2000年5月4日抵达Viskhapatnam卸港,但因延误,在那呆了超过3个星期,导致了异常严重的污底。最终船东不得不在Portland, Dorset进行清底工作,花费了近18万美金。因该污底是由于遵守租家合法的指示造成的,船东依赖租约赋予的默示索赔权,找租家索赔损失;同时主张在Portland的清底时间租家无权停租,找租家索赔此期间未付租金47,811美元。
1. That the Owners shall …… keep the vessel in a thoroughly efficient state in hull, machinery and equipment …… for and during the service.
4. …… hire to continue until the hour of the day of her redelivery in like good order and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, to the Owners ……
8. That the Captain shall prosecute his voyages with the utmost despatch, and shall render all customary assistance with ship's crew and equipment boats. The Captain (although appointed by the Owners) shall be under the orders and directions of the Charterers as regards employment and agency; and Charterers are to load, stow, secure and discharge and trim the cargo at their expense under the supervision of the Captain, who is to sign Bills of Lading for cargo as presented, in conformity with Mate's or Tally Clerk's receipts.
15. That inthe event of loss of time from deficiency and/or default of men or deficiency of stores, fire, breakdown or damages to hull, machinery or equipment,included but not limited to strikes of Master,officers and crew,grounding,detention by average accidents to ship or cargo,drydocking for the purpose of examination or painting bottom,or by any other cause preventing the full working of the vessel, the payment of hire shall cease for the time thereby lost, and if upon the voyage the speed be reduced by defectinor breakdown of any part of her hull, machinery or equipment, the time solost,and the cost of any extra fuel consumed in consequence thereof, and all directly related extraexpenses shall be deducted from the hire.…….
[Note:Inthe preceding quotations, words or passages in italics represent amendments oradditions to the printed form. The following provisions were additional to those based upon the printed form.]
54."Deviation / Put Back
Should the vessel put back whilst on voyage by reason of breakdown of machinery, collision, stranding, fire or other accident or damage to the vessel, …… or by reason of the refusal of the Master,officers or crew to do their duties, or any Owners' matters, the payment of hire shall be suspended from the time of in efficiency in port or at sea until the vessel is again efficient in the same position or regain[s] a point of progress equivalent to that when the hire ceased hereunder. Bunkers consumed while the vessel is off-hire and all extra directly related expenses incurred during such period shall be for Owners' account.…"
(a) 船壳或船底容易受污染是众所周知的,如果船舶呆在温暖的水域中超时不动的话,这甚至几乎是可以确定的结果。在速度和油耗方面,严重的污染可能会严重影响船舶的性能。
(b) 租家要求该轮到Visakhapatnam卸货,该港口处在IWL(协会保证区域限制)的范围内,该指示合法;租家及其代理人除了该指示没有发任何别的指示。
(c) 该轮在卸港停留了22天左右,造成重大污底。船东在波特兰(2000年11月)对船舶的水下检查所披露的污染程度,显示污底严重影响船舶的性能。
(d) 如果该轮在卸港停留的时间比22天少,则可能没有污底的情况发生。但在卸港所造成的延误并没有超过船东对于船舶在卸港卸货可能花费的时间长度的合理预计。
(e) 当事人双方为了他们的商业目的,都不希望在卸港造成延误,即卸货,然后离开。该船在卸港等待卸货,,但这只是因为港口的作业方面的考虑,而不是出于任何其他原因。同时因为这艘船是不带吊的,所以关于船舶的卸货速度和方式一切主动权都在岸方手里。
(f) 在卸港发生这种污底的原因仅仅是该轮在那个时期,停留在有关港口的自然后果,这不是租家违反合同的结果。
32.Putting the matter not merely shortly, but also bluntly, we regard as wholly unrealistic any suggestion that the time actually spent by the vessel at Visak went beyond any reasonable expectation on the part of an owner of a vessel similar to the "Kitsa" as to how long his vessel might be required to spend there in the course of entirely ordinary employment to the sub-continent. In our view, the risk of fouling as a result of that employment was not a risk that the Owners in the present case "cannot be taken to have accepted" (The"Island Archon",above, at page 238). In our judgment, no claim could possibly succeed on the facts of the present case.
(a) whether a time charterparty permitting the vessel to be traded within Institute Warranty Limits necessarily carries with it an assumption by the shipowner of all risks ordinarily incident at each port within those limits, such that the implied indemnity against the consequences of obeying charterers' lawful orders doesnot extend to the materialisation of risks peculiar to the particular port or class of ports, and
(b) whether time spent removing marine growth which had attached itself to the hull of the vessel in the course of service under the relevant charterparty amounted to time lost within the meaning of clause 15 of the charterparty.
Before me it was common ground that, in general terms, there should be implied into the terms of this Charterparty a provision that requires the Charterers to indemnify the Shipowner against the consequences of complying with a Charterer's order as to the employment of the vessel. It was agreed that this implied right to an indemnity, or "implied indemnity" as it is often called, arises in this case by virtue of the express terms of clause 8 of the NYPE form and the wide trading limits within which the vessel can be employed under this Charterparty. It is to be implied either as being both reasonable and necessary for the business efficacy of the Charterparty or as a matter of law. The argument before me concerned the scope of this implied right to an indemnity. Both parties agreed that the scope must be determined asa matter of construction of the Charterparty, to be considered at the time it was concluded and taking account of the factual background against which the Charterparty was agreed by the Shipowners and Charterers. The parties also agreed that the issue of whether there was a right to an indemnity in this casemust depend on the particular facts as found by the arbitrators in their Reasons.In this regard counsel agreed that there must be a direct causal link between the order given and the loss or expense suffered for which the Owner claims an indemnity.
在经过一系列的分析之后,Aikens法官他接受租家律师Turner的主张,特定的损失或费用的风险在租赁期间是预见的或可预见的,这并不是决定该损失或费用是否在默示赔偿范围内的决定性因素。但是如在The“Island Archon”案中的判决,如果在契约缔结的时候,船舶听从租家的航次指示所发生的事故和费用的类型是无法预见的,那么这将是决定损失或费用是否属于默示赔偿范围内的一个重要因素,特别是在该指示合法的情况下。
Aikens法官认为,在本案中,这种风险是指由于船舶遵从租家合法的航次任务指示,呆在温暖的水域超过22天将遭受船体污染及船东将承担随后清污的费用。如我所见,仲裁员的结论是,“这种风险”是双方在租约缔结之时可以预见和预见的,那么鉴于上诉法院在“Island Archon”案中所采取的判决方式,仲裁员有权作出裁决,这种风险是船东在签订租约的时候所同意接受的风险。
In the present case "this type of risk" means the risk that the vessel will suffer hull –fouling because the vessel was inactive at a warm water port for 22 days as a result of a legitimate order as to employment by the Charterers and the risk that the Owners will suffer expense in hull – cleaning as a consequence. If, as I find,the arbitrators have concluded that "this type of risk" was one that was foreseeable and foreseen by both parties at the time the Charterparty was concluded, then, given the approach of the Court of Appeal in "The Island Archon", the arbitrators were entitled to conclude that "this type of risk" was one that the Owners agreed to accept at the time the Charterparty was made.
Whichever approach is adopted, given the arbitrators' conclusions as I read them, the arbitrators were entitled, on the law, to hold that the Owners' expenses of de –foulingwere outside the scope of the implied indemnity providedby the Charterparty.
关于第二点,清底时间是否有权停租的问题,Aikens法官认为,如果仲裁员以合同的第15条,那么仲裁员将不得不去推翻Mustill法官在The “Rijn”先例中所作的判决;显然经验丰富的仲裁员肯定考虑了这一点,因此Aikens法官认为仲裁员是以租约第54条的理由来判租家有权停租。租家的律师也承认,如果仲裁员的裁决不是基于合同第15条为由,那么他就不能质疑仲裁对于这个问题的裁决和所给的理由,因为上诉许可只是针对关于第15条的法律问题。
Mr Turner accepted that if the arbitrators' decision was not based on clause 15, then he could not challenge the Award and Reasons on this issue, because leave to appeal was only given ona point of law concerning clause 15.
Accordingly this part of the appeal must fail.

三、Imperator I Maritime Company v Bunge SA [2016]-The “Coral Seas”案
在该案中,原来的船东在2006年11月2007年9月以NYPE46范本,将“Anny Petrakis”轮连续期租给了租家,租期约23-25个月;依2007年10月5日的协议,原来的船东将所有权转给了本案中的船东,该轮也随之改名为“CoralSeas”。
按分租家的航次安排,该轮于2008年1月4日到13日期间在巴西的Praia Mole港卸货,完成一个重载航次。随后前往Guaiba Island (GIT)装货,因港口拥挤,从1月14日一直等到2月10日才靠泊,最终于2月14日装完货。但在开航后,该轮的航速显著下降,最终导致途中在3月14日不得不紧急挂靠雅加达添加燃油。
1. … whilst on hire …Owners shall … keep the vessel in a thoroughly efficient state in hull …machinery and equipment … for the service and all times during the currency ofthis Charter.
8. … the captain shall prosecute his voyages with the utmost despatch … The Captain ... shall be underthe orders and directions of the Charterers as regards employment and Agency …
Clause 29
(a) Vessel'sdescription… D Speed/consumption(expected as a new building)
About 14.5 knotsballast/about 14 knots laden on about 33.5 mts ISO 8217:2005 (E)RMG 380 plusabout 0.1 mts ISO 8217:2005 (e) DMA in good weather condition up to Beaufortscale four and Douglas sea state three and calm sea without adverse current … [in the case of thesub-charterparty the equivalent provision concluded "… up to BeaufortScale 4 and Douglas Sea State 3 with not current and/or negative influence ofswell (sic)"].
Daily GeneratorConsumption about 2.5 mt at sea/about 2.0 mt (at sea/idle) ISO 8217:2005 (E)RMG380 …
All details about
All details are givenin good faith as per shipbuilders' plans and as a new building vessel can bedescribed.
[In the case of the sub-charterparty these details were simply followed by the words "Alldetails about"]
(b) Speed Clause
Throughout the currency of this Charter,Owners warrant that the vessel shall be capable of maintaining and shall maintain on all seapassages, from sea buoy to sea buoy, an average speed and consumption as stipulated in Clause 29(a) above, under fair weather condition not exceeding Beaufort force four and Douglas sea state three and not against adversecurrent. [In the case of the sub-charterparty the equivalent provision concluded"… not exceeding Beaufort Force 4 and Douglas Sea State 3 with not against adverse current (sic)"].
(c) Weather Routingand Speed/Consumption Deficiencies
Charterers may supplyOcean Routes advice to the Master[the sub-charterparty stated "May supplyOcean Routes or equivalent advice"] during voyages specified by theCharterers. The Master to comply with the reporting procedure of the routing service selected by Charterers ...
i) that the Vessel did not maintain the warranted speed,resulting in an increased length of voyage of 90.345 hours; (该轮未能维持保证的航速,导致了航次时间被延长了90.345小时)
ii) that the cause of the Vessel's reduced speed wa sunderwater fouling of the Vessel's hull and propeller by marine growth which developed during the Vessel's lengthy stay in tropical waters at Guaiba Island; (导致航速下降的原因是水下船壳部分及螺旋桨污染,原因是在GIT港热带水域长时间等泊使船底长了海生物)
iii) that the marine growth could not be regarded as unusual or unexpected, but constituted fair wear and tear incurred in the ordinary course of trading. (海生物的滋生不能认为是不寻常或不可预见的,相反可归于在运营过程中正常的磨损和消耗)
 The arbitrators further determined that, on a true construction of the charterparties, the speed warranty in clause 29(b) applied to all sea voyages, including those after a prolonged wait in tropical waters and that it was the Owners/HeadCharterers who had assumed the risk of a fall-off in performance as a result of bottom foulingconsequential upon compliance with the Head Charterers'/Sub Charterers' lawful orders.
It is well established that as ageneral rule a shipowner has an implied right of indemnity against a time charterer in respect of the consequences of complying with the charterer's orders as to the employment of the ship, even if the orders were ones the charterer was contractually entitled to give. However, it is equally well established that such indemnity does not extend to the usual perils of the voyage in respect of which the owner must be taken to have accepted the risk.
i) 如上所述,由于租家的指示所引起任何风险,而这些风险在租约下船东并未假定要承担的,则船东享有默示索赔权。因此没有必要将此不寻常的和不可预见的污底所引起的后果解释为保证条款的除外情况,该索赔权能以迂回的形式为船东在保证条款下提供抗辩。
i) As set out above, the Owners had animplied indemnity against any risks arising as a consequence of the Sub-Charterers' orders which the Owners had not assumed as part of the charter.It follows that there is simply no need to read into the warranty an exclusionfor such risks, including the consequences of unusual and unexpected fouling:the indemnity would provide the Owners with a defence to a claim under the warranty by way of circuity of action.
ii) 在另一方面,如果这些风险已经被船东所承担,例如在合法使用船舶过程中通常会发生且可预见的海生物污染的风险,那么船东将不再享有默示索赔权。如果船舶的航速油耗表现受到这些已被接受承担的风险的影响,而使得履约保证不适用,那将很难理解。船东在接受了该风险的同时给出了持续性保证,而不把其排除在保证之外,因此该保证必须被采纳,具有完全的效力。
ii) On the other hand, where no right to an indemnity arises because the risks were assumed by the Owners, such as usual and expected marine fouling during legitimate deployment of the Vessel, it is difficult tosee why the warranty should be read as not applying where performance is affected as a consequence of such an assumed risk. The Owners have given the continuing warranty at the same time as assuming that risk, without excluding it from the warranty, so the warranty must be taken to apply with full force.
iii) 船东正在试图避免接受关于他们本已经接受的风险所带来的在保证上的责任,那么判船东承担此责任即非不公平也未愚弄商业常识。
iii) The fact that the Owners are seeking to avoidliability on the warranty in relation to a risk they have assumed demonstrates that holding them liable is neither unfair nor flouts business common sense.
对于船东所引援的《Time Charter》一书中第3.75段的观点,Phillips法官认为该观点太过宽泛,当一条船履行表现不足时,就算船东证明该履行表现不足是由于遵从租家的指示所造成的,但这并不是一能够对抗持续性保证索赔的抗辩;除非该履行表现不足是由于这个风险导致的,而该风险在租约下船东并未被认为已经接受承担,那么在这种情况下,船东就权从租家获得赔偿。
For the above reasons, I consider that the proposition stated in paragraph 3.75 of TimeCharters is too widely stated. Where a vessel has underperformed, it is not a defence to a claim on a continuing performance warranty for the owners to prove that the underperformance resulted from compliance with the time charterers' orders unless the underperformance was caused by a risk which the owners had not contractually assumed and in respect of which they are entitled to be indemnified by the charterers.
In the first place, it has to be read in the context of the owners' obligations under the charterparty as a whole. The owners are not entitled to an indemnity against things for which they are being remunerated by the payment of hire. There is therefore no indemnity in respectof the ordinary risks and costs associated with the performance of the chartered service. The purpose of the indemnity is to protect them againstlosses arising from risks or costs which they have not expressly or implicitly agreed in the charterparty to bear. What risks or costs the owners have agreed to bear may depend on the construction of other relevant provisions of the contract, or on an informed judgment of the broad range of physical and commercial hazards which are normally incidental to the chartered service, oron some combination of the two. The classic example of a loss within the indemnity, and probably the commonest in practice, is one which arises from the master complying with the charterers' direction to sign bills of lading on terms of carriage more onerous than those of the charterparty. But the indemnity has been held to be applicable in principle to a wide variety of other circumstances, including compliance with an order to load cargo which is dangerous even on the footing that appropriate care is taken of it, or anorder to proceed to a legally unsafe port. On the other hand, the indemnity will not apply to risks which the owners have contractually assumed, which will usually be the case where they arise from, for example, their own negligence or breach of contract or consequences such as marine fouling which are incidental to the service for which the vessel was required to be available.

在The“Pamphilos”案,因为船舶航速下降的主要原因是因为船舶遵从了租家的航次任务指示,在港停泊超时导致了污底,Colman法官判租家无权从租金中扣除船舶的航速油耗索赔,但租家未违反需还船条款,需交还一与交船时候一致,秩序状况良好的船舶,因为这类污底可以归类于航次中正常的磨损和消耗。而在The“KITSA”案及 The“Coral Seas”案中,从Aikens法官及Phillips法官的判决可以看出,除非船东能证明,在合同签订的时候这些能够影响船舶航速油耗在港延误导致的船舶污底的风险,是不寻常或不可预见的;要不船东将很难以此理由来对抗因违反租约持续性保证的航速油耗索赔,纵然这些污底是由于船舶遵从租家的指示造成的。因船东接受了这里风险之后,船东就不再享有英国普通法下依据NYPE租约第8条所赋予的默示索赔权,无法再找租家追偿由于船舶污底所造成的航速油耗损失及安排清污的费用。
然而,在The“Kitsa”案及 The“Coral Seas”案中,因等泊超时而导致污底的风险,该风险是否已经被船东所接受及承担?因为在这两个案中,都是长期租约:The“Kitsa”案租期为7-9个月,The“CoralSeas”案租期23-25个月。那么在这么长的租期下,船东在签订租约的时候是否有义务去核对每个港口的排队压港情况?租家拟安排的航次未知,港口未知,市场变化未知等等,在这一切都是未知的情况下,如何去判断,将来租家最终安排前往的某个港口是否会出现严重压港从而导致发生船舶污底的风险?可能在签订租约的时候该港口并不压港,但几个月后或一年后变得压港了,那么如果以最终的压港情况来推定船东在签订租约的当时已经接受或愿意承担此风险,那么难免有失偏颇。
Should the vessel put back whilst onvoyage by reason of breakdown of machinery, collision, stranding, fire or otheraccident or damage to the vessel, …… or by reason of the refusal of the Master,officers or crew to do their duties, or any Owners' matters…
因此为了避免出现这种不确定性,最好是在租约中明确约定,在热带区域的港口在港时间超过多天,在别的区域港口在港时间超过多少天,所造成的污底风险将由租家承担;在污底清理之前,船东对航速油耗不再负责;租家需在还船之前安排清底,时间费用由租家自己承担;如果不安排,租家包干补偿船东一笔钱等等。这类的条款可以参BIMCO 2013期租合同的船壳污染条款(BIMCO 2013 HullFouling Clause for Time Charter Parties)。同时,船东应该尽量避免在租约中做持续性保证,当然这是一种博弈。当然如果租家的指示是非法的,比如要求前往租约除外的区域,最终造成了异常延误导致了船舶污底,那么在这种情况下,船东可以找租家索赔损害赔偿。
最后,如果这些延误是由于租家与收货人之间有争议而引起的,那么可以说船东是在遵循租家的指示,而不必认为是船东接受或承担了此风险。如在The “Kitsa”案中,仲裁员的如下说法。
We can imagine circumstances in which – entirely legitimately as a matter of contract – a vessel may be held upat a port of discharge while for example, disputes are settled between charterers and receivers which having nothing whatsoever to do with the owner,and in such circumstances it might well be the appropriate conclusion that any resultant loss to the owner had flowed not from any risk that he had accepted,but from his compliance with the charterer's instruction. And we could, we aresure, multiply examples falling on one side of the line or upon the other,including those in which the conclusion may depend upon matters such as the notoriety of the risk.

作者:Alex 来源:航运佬

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