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最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

时间:2018/1/30 9:11:02 点击:

  内容提示:国际海事组织第30次会议通过了关于港口国监督检查程序的IMO Resolution A.1119(30)号决议,它代替了原来的A.1052(27)成为港口国监督检查依据。对比两个决议,A.1119(30)在程序本身,和附录上做出了许多修改。...
最新港口国监督程序(IMO Resolution A.1119(30))解读(一)



Areas under the SOLAS Convention
1.Failure of proper operation of propulsion and other essential machinery, as well as electrical installations.
2.Insufficient cleanliness of engine-room, excess amount of oily-water mixture in bilges, insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine-room contaminated by oil, and improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements.
3.Failure of the proper operation of emergency generator, lighting, batteries and switches.
4.Failure of proper operation of the main and auxiliary steering gear.
5.Absence, insufficient capacity or serious deterioration of personal life-saving appliances, survival craft and launching and recovery arrangements 
(see also MSC.1/Circ.1490/Rev.1).
6.Absence, non-compliance or substantial deterioration to the extent that it cannot comply with its intended use of fire detection system, fire alarms, firefighting equipment, fixed fire-extinguishing installation, ventilation valves, fire dampers, and quick-closing devices.
7.Absence, substantial deterioration or failure of proper operation of the cargo deck area fire protection on tankers.
8.Absence, non-compliance or serious deterioration of lights, shapes or sound signals.
9.Absence or failure of the proper operation of the radio equipment for distress and safety communication.
10.Absence or failure of the proper operation of navigation equipment, taking the relevant provisions of SOLAS regulation V/16.2 into account.
11.Absence of corrected navigational charts, and/or all other relevant nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage, taking into account that electronic charts may be used as a substitute for the charts.
12.Absence of non-sparking exhaust ventilation for cargo pump-rooms.
13.Serious deficiency in the operational requirements listed in appendix 7.
14.Number, composition or certification of crew not corresponding with safe manning document.
15.Non-implementation or failure to carry out the enhanced survey programme in accordance with SOLAS regulation XI-1/2 and the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code), as amended.
16.Absence or failure of a voyage data recorder (VDR), when its use is compulsory.

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

解读:MSC.1/Circ.1490/Rev.1 中详细规定了关于“remotely located survival craft”的救生衣、浸水服、照明设施、登乘梯等一系列配备要求和技术要求。“remotely located survival craft”是指货船上从船首最前端或船尾最末端至最靠近的救生艇筏最近一端的水平距离超过100m的救生艇筏(SOLASregulation III/31.1.4)。
注意:船员在日常维护及检查官在检查过程中应当注意船舶是否满足公约对于“remotely located survival craft”所提出的要求。

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读
解读:《2011年国际散货船和油船检验期间加强检验程序规则》(2011 ESP CODE)于2014年1月1日生效,作为一个强制性规则执行加强检验程序,替代原先的导则A.744(18).

Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex IV
最新港口国监督程序中新增MARPOL Convention, Annex IV的内容
最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex VI
1.Absence of valid IAPP Certificate and where relevant EIAPP Certificates and Technical Files.
2.A marine diesel engine, with a power output of more than 130 kW, which is installed on board a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000, or a marine diesel engine having undergone a major conversion on or after 1 January 2000, which does not comply with the NOx Technical Code 2008.
3.The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships exceeds the following limits:
–.1  3.5% m/m on and after 1 January 2012; and 
–.2  0.5% m/m on and after 1 January 2020.
4.The sulphur content of any fuel used on board exceeds 0.1% m/m on and after 1 January 2015 while operating within a SOx emission control area, and respectively, as per provisions of regulation 14.
5.An incinerator installed on board the ship on or after 1 January 2000 does not comply with requirements contained in appendix IV to the Annex, or the standard specifications for shipboard incinerators developed by the Organization (resolution MEPC.244(66)).
6.Ship's personnel are not familiar with essential procedures regarding the operation of air pollution prevention equipment.
7.Absence of valid IEEC (International Energy Efficiency Certificate).
8.Absence of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) not specific for the ship (this may form part of the ship's Safety Management System (SMS)).



最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读


最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读


最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

最新港口国监督程序IMO Res.A.1119(30)解读

作者:阳光安检 来源:浦东海事

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