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二冲程船用柴油机 two stroke marine dieselengine
四冲程船用柴油机 four stroke marine dieselengine
高(中,低)速柴油机 high(medium,lower)speed engine
气缸 cylinder
气缸盖 cylindercover(cylinder head)
苏尔寿发动机 Sulzer engine
B&W型发动机 Burmeister and Wain engine
哥塔维根型发动机 Gotaverken engine
曼恩型发动机 M.A.N.engine
V型发动机 V-type engine
直流扫气式发动机 uniflow scavenging typeengine
回流扫气式发动机 loop flow scavenging typeengine
横流扫气式发动机 crow-flow scavenging typeengine
十字头式发动机 crosshead engine
筒形活塞式发动机 trunk-ppiston engine
涡轮增压式发动机 turbocharge engine
固定部件 fixed parts
耐磨部件 wear parts
运动部件 moving parts
互换部件 interchangeableparts
气缸套 cylinder liner
示功阀 indicatorcock(indicator valve)
安全阀 safety valve
气缸启动阀 cylinder airstarting valve
缸套顶圈 head ring forcylinder liner
排气阀 exhaust valve
进气阀 air inletvalve(suction valve)
气阀传动机构 valve drivingmechanism
顶杆 tapper rod
推杆 push rod
摇臂 rocker rod(rocking lever)
活塞 pistion
十字头式活塞 crosshead typepistion
筒形活塞 trunk pistion
活塞头 pistioncrown(head)
活塞裙 pistion skirt
活塞体 pistion body
活塞销 pistion pin(gudgeon pin)
活塞环 pistion ring
气环(压缩环) compression ring
刮油环 oil scraperring(oil ring,scraper ring)
布油环 oildistributing ring
耐磨环 wear ring
活塞环槽 pistion ring groove
活塞冷却水管 pistion cooling pipe
往复管 reciprocatingpipe
伸缩管 telescope pipe
铰链管 articulatedpipe
活塞杆 pistion rod
活塞杆凸缘 pistion rod flange
活塞杆填料函 stuffing box forpistion rod
活塞杆填料箱 gland box for pistionrod.packing gland for pistion rod
填料函壳体 stuffing box casing
填料函张力弹簧 tension spring forstuffing box
填料函密封环 sealing ring forstuffing box
填料函刮油环 scraper ring forstuffing box
填料函压环 pressure ring for stuffing box
填料函压盖 stuffing box gland
十字头 cross head
十字头销 cross head pin
十字头销轴承 cross headbearing(cross head pin bearing)
十字头滑块 cross headshoe(guide shoe)
十字头导板 cross headguide(guide rail,guide way,guide plate)
连杆 connectingrod
连杆小端轴承 connecting rod smallend bearing
连杆大端轴承 connecting rod largeend bearing;connecting rod bottom end bearing
曲柄销轴承 crankpin bearing
曲轴 crank shaft
曲轴臂 crank arm
曲轴销 crank pin
曲轴箱 crankcase
曲轴箱道门 crankcasedoor(crankcase manhole)
曲轴箱防爆门 crankcase explosiondoor
主轴承 main bearing(bed plate bearing)
倒挂式主轴承 main bearing of underslung type
轴承轴瓦上半块 bearing bush-upper half
轴承衬下半块 bearing shell-lowerhalf
主轴承撑杆螺栓 main bearing stay bolt
主轴颈 crank shaftjournal(main journal)
机座 bed plate
底座横隔板 bed platetransverse member
机架 frame(column,entablature)
底角螺栓 holding down bolt(anchor bolt)
贯穿螺栓 through bolt (tierod,tie bolt)
贯穿螺栓护盖 protecting coveringfor tie rod
贯穿螺栓导套 guide bush for tierod
推力轴 thrust shaft
推力轴承 thrust bearing
推力块 thrust pad
盘车机 turning gear
废气涡轮增压器 exhaust gas turbocharge(turbo-blower)
增压系统 super chargingsystem
机械增压 mechanicalsupercharging
单(复)式增压系统 single(complex)type supercharging system
二级增压 two-stagesupercharging
定压增压系统 constant pressurecharging system
脉冲增压系统 impulse pressurecharging system
变压增压 variable pressurecharging system
串联增压 super charging inseries syatem
并联增压 super charging inparallel system
直流扫气 unislowscavenging
回流扫气 loop scavenging
横流扫气 cross scavenging
气口扫气 port scavenging
气口-气阀扫气 port-valve scavenging
扫气口 scavenging port
排气口 exhaust port
排气总管 exhaust manifold
排气管 exhaust pipe
上止点 top deadcenter(TDC)
下止点 bottom deadcenter(BDC)
燃烧室 combustionchamber
吸气行程 inlet(suction)atroke
压缩行程 compressionstroke
做功行程 power (working)stroke
排气行程 exhaust stroke
定时图 timing diagram
指示功 indicated power
轴功 shaft power
示功图 indicator power
控制系统 control system
启动控制装置 control devic forstarting
起动装置 starting devic
主起动阀 main startingvalve
空气压缩机 air compressor
空气瓶 air bottle(aircontainer,air cylinder,air reservoir)
起动手柄 startinglever(starting handle)
起动空气控制阀 starting air controlvalve
起动空气导阀 starting air pilotvalve
起动阀 starting valve
分级活塞 stepped pistion
起动阀连锁装置 starting valve blockingdevice
起动凸轮 starting cam
起动空气管 starting air pipe
单凸轮换向装置 single cam reversingdevice
双凸轮换向装置 double cam reversingdevice
正车凸轮 ahead cam
正车油缸 ahead oilcylinder (ahead oil bottle)
自动停车装置 automatic cut-outdevice
空气分配器凸轮 air distributor cam
转向指示器 running directionindicator
换向杆 reversing lever
换向控制杆 reversing controllever
排气凸轮 exhaust cam
喷油凸轮 fuel cam
主起动阀手轮 hand wheel forstarting valve
飞轮 flywheel;turning wheel
调速器 goernor
调速装置 control devicefor running the engine
极限调速装置 maximum-speed governorgear
定速调速装置 constant-speedgovernor gear
全制式调速装置 variable-speed governorgear
机械调速器 mechanical governor
液压调速器 hydraulic governor
车钟 telegraph
凸轮传动机构 camshaft transmissiongear
链条传动 chaintransmission(chain drive)
齿轮传动 gear tansmission
链轮 sprocket(sprocket wheel)
惰轮 idle wheel
备车 stand byengine
完车 finish engine
停车 stop engine
微速前进(后退) dead slow ahead (astern)
前进(后退)一 slow ahead (astern)
前进(后退)二 half ahead (astern)
前进(后退)三 full ahead (astern)
紧急前进(后退)三 emergency fullahead(astern)
起动 start
倒车 reverse
空气分配器 air distributor
气缸注油器 cylinder lubricator